
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Throphy For AD

Well…I’m addicted to certain blogs (refer to my addicted blogs on the right pane) in many views. Pasal life, pasal cinta, pasal experience, pasal hiburan, pasal travel, pasal politik, u name it…once I sangkut, memang I akan ikut...

So I came across this one blog, and it happened that dia ni kawan kepada kawan I…I tak penah jumpa dia (ye, banyak blogger yg I kenal, tak penah jumpa, tapi dalam blog cam kenal lama jek, haha!)…but this gal, I admire dia dari segi kisah hidup dia, family dia, and not to exclude, her love life (sangatttttttt shakespear ok!)…dan dia pandai masak!

Yet, her blog…full of colors, regardless ups and downs. She's too tiny to handle all the big things in her life (petite, anak sulung, kaki gunung), but still, dia tempuh je semua tu...And I always eagerly wait for her to post new stories, (esp kisah family and resepi dia), each day of my bloody working days (keje banyak, nak gak baca blog!).

And today, I nak kasi satu award lagi kat dia (oh ya, tatau la mana datang permainan kasi-kasi award ni…tapi blasah je la…macam best jek!).

aD, this is for you!


  1. wawawawa... sangat terharu nih. belum penah lagi ad kena puji cam gini sekali.. *bagi ucapan sambil menitiskan ayer mata*..hihi.

    patut la makin kembung membelon perut ad nih.. kena puji rupanya hihi..

    tenkiu biqque.. so much!

    *seriously, flattered*

  2. yup, u make my bloody day, better...
