
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Houston, TX USA He Went...Day 21

“Adehhhh sakitnyerrrr…”

I can still feel the same pain like last night. Dang! Camne nak pegi keje ni? I took some time and rehat kejap…pedih tu masih ada.

I got ready and went off to work. This time tak brapa sakit sangat…but on and off masih sakit skit-skit. While doing my work, I started to tell my colleagues of what I’m experiencing and they straight away said,

“Confirm ko gastric!”

HUH? GASTRIC? Tak penah-penah I kena gastric! They said that the place where I feel the pain tu, ulu hati…memang symptom-symptom gastric la tu. They even showed to me the place where ulu hati located, and yes, kat situ la I rasa sakit tu. Rupanya two of them, memang ada gastric…

They asked me to go and check…since lately I memang skip lunch and stress kerja…buttttttttt I tak sangka la bleh kena gastric! Bulan puasa tak makan, ok je. Tapi memang la, I admit yang I tak banyak makan since I stay at Skin’s. Malas lagipun.

And so I went back to Bukit Antarabangsa and met Skin at Klinik Idzham. She went inside with me since she knows the Doc. I told the Doc semuanya la yang I rasa.

“Ni gastric ni…early stage tapi tak max lagi la…InsyaAllah, makan ubat, baik la nanti”.

Tak sangka ek? Tak sangka sungguh bleh kena gastric…dulu bila dengar orang sakit gastric, mesti I ingat sakit tu tak teruk…sekadar tak makan…or alasan satu lagi jenis penyakit bagi orang yang tak nak berpuasa…rupanya, baru tau betapa sakitnye, pedihnye, ulu hati tu…

Tonight, I masak bubur je…Doc pesan tak bleh makan benda-benda pedas dan berat (ala…tak bestnyer la…). But I have to…semata-mata nak hilangkan rasa sakit ni dengan menelan ubat-ubat yang doc kasi tadi! Cis! Wish me luck and get well soon!

(Ayang? Where are you?)


  1. ha!!! kang laki ko ckp ko xmkn kt umah aku!! cmne tuh??

    ayanggg where r u oso.. comel hik
