Nuffnang Latest!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rude Kids In Facebook, Continue...

He got chickened out, see what happened!

My niece cried while deleting his friend...(actually she cried coz her friend disrespected me and her mom, plus, I forced her to delete them, or else, I'll get her mommy to delete HER facebook...) but I know, she did it coz she really looked up on me and her mommy and this kid is not worth to have for as A friend. Come on, they just 12 y/o!!!

To parents, please...MONITOR your kids.


Anonymous said...

bdk2 sekarang susah diajar...x hormat org tua.. bila kita nak jumpa makayah diorang barulah nak gelabah.. nak tipu kita ni yg lebih arif dr diorang.. selamatlah korang isnin ni...huh!!

Biqque said...

thats what u should do, give them a lesson to respect adults!

Ely Hasrul said...

aku dulu kecik2 xsalah cakap pon takut tau.. haishh budak tu ingat dia xbuat ape2 la tuh

debyG! said...

hahaha.. cant help laughin! ha... mencirit budak tu carik xcuses.. konon abg dia buat comment on his acc!

budak skrg mmg kena didik and diajar. can accept the facts yg diaorg ni.. wat.. darjah 6?????? ish..ish...

i salute yr sis! tunjuk budak tu betapa tinggi nya langit ni, tak terkejar and tergapai sebab dia pun pendek jer. baru 12 tahun dah pandai kurang ajar!

bgtau anak buah ko, sok when she grow up she''ll thank u for all this!

Biqque said...

tu la nyer deb oii...baru darjah 6! tu besar sok tu nak jadi mat rempit la tu! ingat diri tu bagus sgt, siap nak bakar kita plak...ha tau mencirit takut masuk blk GB. mmg dia la tu, bongok ke ape tetiba abg plak guna FB dia...padahal kat CC! takkan la "remember me" kat CC?!

Unknown said...

OMG! budak2 skarang. Hopefully ur niece and our future kids sentiasa terjaga & beradab bila bercakap.

Biqque said...

tu la byya, sbb kawan je jadi camtu...haihhhh...papepun, budak tu dah kena dah kat skolah hahaha!

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