Nuffnang Latest!

Friday, February 19, 2010

MakeupFreak Contest!

1) Gambar muka with masker or bedak sejuk
I dah buat! Ok tak?

2) Create an outdoor blog link at your blog entry

3) Become a fan of MakeupFreak in Facebook
See! See! There's me with your face on it!

4) Leave your blog in aD's contest entry

5) Copy html and put at blog sidebar
Done! Tu, tu kat sebelah! Just for the purpose of the contest :D


Anonymous said...

aiii likeee.. hihihi :)

Biqque said...

(mintak2 la berjaya, i tak penah menang contest kahkahkahkah! loser kan?)

saya menyeru sume yg baca blog saya, esp sistas, cepat la buat! bleh sama2 menang mekap! :D

Ely Hasrul said...

kalu leh vote aku dah vote ko dah hehehhe.. patut ko masuk entry tapi suh uncle c yg pakai mask.. patut mask tu kat mata aje ke.. kat chin aje ke nose ker.. baru pelik sket.. hahahhaha.. mintak2 ko menang xsabo nk tgk mekap bulu mata tebell..

Ely Hasrul said...

esp. sista? hahahha aku nk buat mask kang sami yg pakai.. hehe

Miss B said...

yeah bebeh..i like it too! along,pilih yg ini!! agak berseni nih..

Biqque said...

yeahoooooooooo! i won!

tx ad, tx ariff, tx mrs weck! :D

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