
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Featuring, Another Travelholic!

I just found another travelholic! :D (Na, you gonna love her!)

And she has traveled ALL AROUND THE WORLD dabedi dabeda dabediiii dabeda dabedi dabedaaaa! (Exxagerate tak Lily? U BIG TIME nyer travelholic...I ni cam peanut je...hahaha!) I really mean it coz I've read all her posts in just an hour! (Psycho huh?) The pictures, the stories...awesome! (I luv the jail! I want to be in that Kiwi-land jailhouse! And and and...the calendar...hahaha takde kena mengena kan?)

(I just addicted to blog-reading :D senang cite la...) How can I miss her blog nih? Maaf zzzzzz...

Now...I have a new reason to push myself harder :D (jeles! jeles! jeles!) Keep on wishing biqque...keep on dreaming...(though u know u cant!)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cute Birthday Gifts For Cute Birthday Kids!

I just can't stop myself from buying baby gifts or birthday gifts for kids! (Can't wait to have my I bought some kot-kot la in the future dah takde baju camtu kan :D)

Dari luar camni...
Pink for Myra (which I already gave to her on her 1st bash)
while green box is for Sami (for this coming Feb on his 2nd bash).

What's inside?
This was what I bought for Myra on her 1st birthday...
Since her mom said she luvs dolls compared to PS3 (kahkahkah),
I gave her a barbie doll (wedges dia cun gile!),
Plusss...2 sets of night suit with I LUV MOM and I LUV DAD!
(Sooo irresistible la if beli satu je!)

Anddddddd TADAAAAA! This is what I get for Sami Boy!
(Sorry, tak leh nak sorok lah!)
Since he likes machines/cars/trucks/trains so much
(boys will always be boys),
I bought this RC BMW x6 for him! Hope he knows how to steer it!
(Sok beso, Sami beli yang real punya ok?)

And last but not least, handsome soccer player to be,
(his dad wants him to be a snooker huh?),
Adam will get a beach towel! (For his 1st bash on this coming March)
Sangat comel la ladybird tuuuuu!

So...who's kid next?

Hairworks Salon Rawks!

This salon was introduced by Jaja Herza, when I was looking for a NOTED salon that can provide rebonding service. Two salons, Hairworks and Miko, both at Wangsa Maju. She told me that rebonding would make my hair looked fake-straight, compared to relaxer, which is more bouncy and natural, which she always had. (Wow, what was the name again?)

With confidence that I had in head, just by looking at the result (her hair), I went to that salon and had mine. I requested the same stylist that she asked for, who was CKTan. A young-nerd-simple-stylist who I can rate as a beginner in English, and intermediate in Bahasa. Hahaha!

After few hours (2 hours for relaxer and 2 hours for coloring), voila! It was really relaxing and natural!

Expenditure : RM300+ (gile arh!)

It was 2 years back.

So…last week, after few months of having a very bad curly-current hair that was ruined by Niko Salon near to my house, I went to Hairworks Salon again! Again, I requested for CKTan to do my relaxer, while telling him all the great grandma story of what had happened to my hair. (Stylist Thomas & Guys konon! Rosak rambut aku!)

This time, hubby has waited for me in the salon, next to my chair. He experienced all processes and thank god, it was only for 2 hours (Thank god ek? Hahaha! Tersiksa jiwa raga!) Almost similar but with slight improvement, I didn’t straighten my fringe. I want it to be au natural this time. Hehe! (Dulu style Cleopatra, bleh la…)

Expenditure : RM200 (So no shopping this month ye…)

CKTan, the stylist. (Yup, I was born in the year of 78, kudaku lari gagah beraniiii...)

The helpers.

The new Superman, hubby...(jeles kat FT la tu!)

The salon, Hairworks Salon.

The wifey, who is always trying to look beautiful like Kim Kardashian!

Hair Transformation 2007-2010

Rambut ni ala-ala bob cut, tapi susah nak jaga sebab kena blow slalu...

Ni serabai style...kalo nak tau, ni la rambut original i! Sangat bosan kan?

Setelah sekian lama tak rebonding, akhirnya I try relaxer yang sangattttttttt berbaloi!
Lebih natural dan senang gile tak perlu buat pape dah...

Patu saje-saje nak try buat big curls macam cite omputih tahun 30an :D tapi tak permanent...

Dek kerana suka sangat nak try curl, I go and get a permanent spa perm, YG MANA TELAH MEROSAKKAN RAMBUTKU BAGAIKAN HALILINTAR YG MEMANAH SUNGAI!

Dan akhirnya...setelah 4 bulan bertungkus lumus membeli product yang mahal utk menjaga rambutku yang rosak, I berjaya kembali kepada relaxer...
(tunggu la panjang skit, aku buat balik curl! hahaha! no way!)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hair Transformation 2001-2006

Masa rambut pendek, macam best gile...ringan, senang jaga, tapi agak kebudak-budakan...

Patu try cam ada ekor-ekor skit (layered lah)...tapi dah mula rimas terkeluar-keluar...

Patu semua sama panjang, layered skit je...tapi dahi nampak sangatlah luasnyer semesta alam...

Patu belajar tutup dahi dengan lebatnyer...dah mula main color...

Then cuba big curls (ni la yg I cuba buat tapi yg baru-baru ni tak jadi!)

Ni namanya style tiru artis porno...ala-ala wavy gitew...I suka rambut camni!

Patu dah start malas nak jaga, mula la jadi cam mullet!

Dan akhirnya pegi rebonding ala cleopatra...

(to be continued...)

Shake My Polaroid Pictah!

Adib, ni sume sebab you! you! you! (echo)
(Menjawab blog Adib - Once Upon A Time)

Not less than 4 years ago...

Tengok rambut dia, muka dia, ya Allahhhhhhhhhh comel macam
bikini idol/av idol/manga/studio gibli/hentai/ape saje yg jepun lah!
(Dib, buat la balik rambut camniiiii! Kembalikan napsukuuu...)

Skin kalo dalam bab bergambar memang sempoi!
Ni I nak buktikan, sape yang macam porno jepun?! Kahkahkah!
(Dia kata I macam porno jepun tapi sume gambar,
dia yang kat depan kan? kan? haaaaa!)

Gambar ni adalah gambar I dengan Elly yang I LIKE THE MOST!
Sangat muda remaja dan sungguh keles gitew!
Macam bleh lawan Fazura and Maya Karin lah perasaan tu! Hahahaha!

(In fact, Elly still remain ke'keles'an nyer. Aku gak yang bukak Garage Sale!)

Last but not least...believe it or not, I used to stalk these girls!
(Aku bukan lesbo, tapi aku suka tengok gadis cantik lagi seksi!)
Paling glamer di dunia internet!

Sha (all-time fanatic psychotic admirer la kiranya aku ni kat dia,
sampai mati aku janji akan stalk dia!)

Mya (aku suka mata ngan rambut dia...skang masih lagi cun melecun, kawan kepada Sha)

Nina (budak medic kat jepun, comel, aset beso, skarang dah kawin dah jadi doctor agaknyer)

Cranbery (tatau nama sebenar dia tapi dia sungguh comel!)

KT (tatau la dia jepun ke omputih ke, tapi memang banyak gambar dia aku curi :D)


Mulakan Harimu Dengan...?

Argh! Banyak sungguh benda yang dipikirkan awal tahun 2010 ni...sampai tak tau dah nak pikir yang mana satu dulu...hmm...pasal hidup, pasal keja, pasal duit, pasal umah, pasal keta, pasal badan, pasal anak, pasal tennis, pasal ps2, pasal pokok, pasal business, pasal masa depan...

HUH??? Tengok kat sebelah kanan tu! Hanoi trip lagi 27 hari ke??? Buku tak siap, hotel tak book, cuti tak apply, apa nak jadi ni Biqque??? (pukul dahi sendiri bertubi-tubi sehingga menimbulkan bengkak seperti kena dera oleh majikan)

...kan best if tak perlu pikir macam Kim Kardashian ke, Paris Hilton ke, Ivanka Trump, Charlene Riva and Myla Rose Federer ke...

(siut je Mirka ni dulu kurus cun gak, patut la Fed suka...urgh! abaikan!)

Ha! I hope that Fed akan bertemu Nadal for Australian Open...macam dah lama sangat tak tengok diorang kat final...kan? kan? (sambil jeles tengok gambar Mirka suatu ketika dahulu...)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Myra Is ONE!

Myra is ONE!

Dun forget to comb your barbie's hair and wear those luv mama luv papa, ya?
(kalau Auntie Skin, Auntie Cantek) Auntie Biq-Sempoi-Myra-Nak-Apa-Mintak-Aje luvs u too!

Click here for more pictchah!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

BiqCloZet On Sale!

It's the Garage SALE again!

Terima kasih kerana menyokong Biq CloZet
(they call it B Boutique)

Teruskan menyokong!

P/S : If ada yang interested, buzz me :D I jual murah-murah je, RM5 & RM10 per piece. Amik banyak secara pukal, bleh dpt diskaun lagi :D Janji wardrobe I tak melimpah lagiiiiiiii...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FT Is The New Jacko!
man with crutch and his song Bencinta!

(I just luv the drama...and his psycho benci tapi cinta song!)

Ah...he's my new Jacko!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Funtastic Sistas @>---

I remember this...

am missing this "face shape" so bad...

am missing this "body shape" so bad...


(lari setempat dan lompat bintang 83579.7435.99 kali!)

P/S : gambar deb and sha mesti takde dalam pun bleh la! pape pun, sha TETAP maintain! menci! tunggu la ko kawin nantiiiii!