
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Euro Fun Park : We Go Crazy!

Last Saturday was an awesome jaunt. Dek termakan dengan hasutan Deb, ALL SISTAS, together with our hubbies and boyfriends, went for Euro Fun Park @ Bkt. Jalil!


Deb + Nanzo

Dib + Fyzal + Myra

Me + Hubby

Elly + Arab

Skin + Hasrul + Sami

Sha + Wan Serr + Ajaaz (bukan anak ye, kawan)

And guess what? IT TURNED OUT TO BE A VERY WILD AND CRAZY NITE! Can you imagine? A bunch of 3-series people with 2 babies in hand, went to a “fun fair”, and jumped on those swinging seats and circling horses? Plus, being bamboozled by ALMOST ALL “tikam games” in there?

“Memang macam beruk main bijik saga…” bak kata Elly.


Kitorang masuk pun dah pukul 10.30PM. Tak agak-agak, masuk je terus beli token (1 token=RM2), nak main Challenger! Benda ni sebijik macam the Claw I main kat Gold Coast. Duduk atas seat, patu dia swing kiri kanan sampai atas! Dengan perasaan berbelah bagi, si penakut yang berani ni (I la sape lagi), bleh ikut diorang naik benda tu! Ya Allahhhhh!

Masa beratur nak naik benda ni, Deb, Sha, Elly dah langkah naik dulu. Followed by Dib and Fyzal…eh Fyzal? The only guy yang brani naik! Hubby tak nak sebab dia kata dah naik dulu kat GC. Eceh! Baby Myra mana? Myra dijaga oleh Wan Serr, bf si Sha. Haha! Then paling last skali, I la.

Duduk je atas seat tu, terus lock. Tapi tak ketat!!! I dah cuak dah masa ni. Tanya adik tu, dia ckp ok, ok, kuat. Dang! I dah jerit-jerit kat Deb that this is all her fault! (Elly, Sha, Dib, Fyzal duduk depan I ngan Deb. So we were facing each others la.)

Tetiba benda tu uplifted. Masa ni I ngan Deb dah start jerit. Ya Allah, I dah tau perasaan nyer camne, so I dah tau how scared it will be. Then it slowly swing to the front and back, anddddd at the same time, seats tu (in bulatan) akan turut berpusing! Owh god!

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ya Allahhhhhhhhhhhh ya ampunnnnnnnn astaghafirullahhhhhhhh” semua kuar dari mulut I (such a drama queen kan?).

The rest, I don’t even care to remember sebab sepanjang benda tu dok swing, I PEJAM MATA! The only thing I nampak (ada bukak sekali dua) si Fyzal dok tunjuk-tunjuk I kat diorang then gelak! Kahkahkahkah! Sebab muka I cuak gile! Diorang sume gelak okkkkkkk! Kahkahkahkah! Terus diorang tak takut sebab dok gelakkan I. Bleh tahan gak la…

Turun je, terus buat muka cool…diorang tak abih-abih gelakkan I lagi. Siap rambut dah kusut masai, esp me and Deb. Haha!

Lepas naik Challenger tu, semua cam cabar masing-masing naik Vortex. Yang ni laaaaagi seribu kali macam celaka. Dah la tinggi, pusing 360degree, at the same time, seat tu pun pusing lagi 360degree! Ha sape brani??? (Again, benda ni pun ada kat Gold Coast, tapi tak brani naik!)

So kitorang pass je la benda tu. Kitorang tukar lagi token, gi main tikam-tikam. Bak kata Sha, Wan Serr slalunyer bertuah. So I kasi duit kat dia, biar dia main. Tapiiiiiii punya la hebat dan kejamnyer Euro Fun Park ni, satu pun tak kena! Memula dia main baling dart. Tak kena belon, bleh plak kena tiang kotak tu! Terer gile! Patu main tembak-tembak. Bullet ke mana, ring ke mana. Tipu siut!

Frustrated with the skill-game, kitorang tukar plak duit main baling bola ping pong. Lagi cam haram! 15 kali try, dapat satu je! Terer betul sape buat statistic game tu! Serius penipuuuuuuu! (Lebih kepada kitorang la yang tak sedar diri ditipu…kahkahkah!)

Tak puas hati lagi, tukar lagi duit! This time around kitorang main lucky number plak! Amik 10 kertas, bukak, satu pun tak kena! LAGI LA PANASSSSS! Kahkahkahkah! Gile penipuuuu! Sampai Deb tetiba buat cam KENA la number tu, budak pompuan tu cam terkejut, as if memang sebelum ni memanga TAKKAN ada la orang yang menang! Haha!

Setelah beberapa membuat aksi ala stalker (me and Sha) kat Myra, kitorang pun gerak ke Merry-Go-Round. Dari kecik, memang teringin sangat nak merasa. So yang bini-bini ni semua bleh la plak naik benda alah ni. Hahahaha! Tak puas ngan kuda, naik plak cawan berpusing sampai pening. Buduh!

Memang tak tahan la…semua gelak cam tak sedar diri. Dah la berpeluh! Amik gambar sana sini. Tak cukup dengan fun fair, lepak minum, gelak sampai pagi. Adeh…dah lama tak buat benda gile macam ni. SUMPAH BEST!


P/S: Gambar? Credits to Deb! Tgk kat Deb's Album.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Roland Garros - A Venue Open All Year Long

Yesterday, hubby and I spent our quality time watching the French Open History. Hmm…another dirty-by clay-excitement to endure, huh? This tournament started yesterday, with Men’s and Women’s Single.

Besides Australian Open (Fed’s playground but lost to Rafa last year, the first Spanish who won the title), Wimbledon (oldest, prestigious and all-white tournament), and US Open (largest Center court of all), French Open also has its own notation (the best Clay court on earth).

Defending champions, Rafa (Men’ Single) and Ivanovic (Women’s Single), both will be eye-balled this time. Unlike Rafa, Ivanovic needs to work harder for this Grand Slam, IF she still plays like what she had on Day 1 lah (one tough fight on the opening day was not a good start, dear...and I hate your 3-mill dollar clothing! Plus, you are Serbian! Haha! Ok, enuff...yes, she's pretty...)

Above all, my tennis god, Fed, again, will have his chance (maybe..I hope...) to win over Rafa on this Clay court (IF and only IF Rafa willing to let it go la kan). We’ll see!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Somewhere We Belong

Nice huh? Un-fin smaller version of San Fran.
Unspotted location for sunset viewing.
This is totally superb!
We are blessed with each other...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fed VS Rafa : Fed Won!

Fed menang! Yay!

But tak puas hati sebab menang mudah…6-4, pun tak best (ada la few yang best)…best lagi game Rafa ngan Djokovic tu! Sah Rafa penat…walaupun dia tak cakap…ye la, tak sempat rehat 24jam! Mau tak penat!

Takpe, tunggu French Open. Clay court gak!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

2009 Mutua Madrilena Madrid Open : Final!


Nadal is really an energetic player and no doubt, thats what makes him the One. Game Nadal ngan Djokovic semalam HARUS mendapat pujian and personally, I rasa that was the best game for Madrid Open! Sangat-sangat hebat! Dua-dua tak putus asa nak dapat point. Nadal yang dah ketinggalan, dapat balik point tu sampai tie break. (3-6, 7-6, 7-6) Gile!

This tournament (Madrid Open), sangat-sangat menguji Nadal...laluan yang dia kena tempuh, betul-betul sukar. Unlike Federer, Rafa tak banyak menang mudah. Tapi setelah menang suku akhir, separuh akhir, dan malam ni final, memang tabik la kat Nadal. Letih tuuuuu!
(ATP memang gile, rehat sehari je???)

, looking at him, Nadal ni memang ada masa depan (semua tau dia King of Clay, tapi lepas menang Hard Court, semua dah nganga). Plus, he still young. Umur 22, lengan besar sebelah, main tak penah putus asa, tak penah marah-marah or frustrated...he really deserved it (ok la, sebab Fed memang main strategy...dia tak main force. Dan kelebihan Fed, dia je yang amik single-handed backhand, player lain sume amik double-handed backhand).

Cuma satu je la, this time, Nike dah tak kasi baju sleeveless (see below pic). So Nadal nampak cam budak baik je pakai polo T (see above pic). Tak best lah!

P/S: Tengok la habit Nadal ye, "butt picking" (tarik sluar dalam terselit) everytime nak serve or return. Patu dia akan pegang hidung, selit rambut kiri, pegang hidung balik, selit rambut kanan plak. Paling pelik, 2 botol air mesti disusun satu atas, satu bawah, and he will definitely put them back at the same spots, every time lepas dia minum.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Iklan Keluarga?

Aritu kitorang pegi Pertama Complex sebab nak cari HP for hubby (last-last beli kat Sg.Wang). Lepas parking opposite Pertama tu, kitorang lintas jalan. Sampai je kat pintu masuk Pertama, ada satu iklan kedai gambar... Redzuan Fotomedia. Memang dah biasa dah tengok display iklan kedai ni...tapi...tetiba...


(see below red arrow)
Hahaha......tu Uncle Mat, hubby's uncle (abang kepada mama dia).
So skarang dah tau la kat mana dia amik gambar family dia yang kitorang tengok besarrrrrrr gile tergantung kat dinding rumah dia :D

Friday, May 15, 2009

2009 Mutua Madrilena Madrid Open


I hope Fed will meet Nadal in final! Dah la kat Rome, Fed tak masuk final! Saje je tau Fed ni!

(I can still remember how sad I was when Fed lost to Nadal in Melbourne...sob...sob...)

Hensem nyerrrrr la si Fed ni...jadi pro tennis player @ tennis god skit nyer lama...padahal baru 28!


(tetiba lari topik:D)

Hit Me Baby One More Time Part 2!

Another baby gift for my mate, Salhazira!

2 Rompus with "Cuddle for free" and "It's not easy being gorgeous" as statements.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hit Me Baby One More Time!

I love to buy baby’s garb! Though I haven’t had one yet, I enjoy buying baby’s outfit for my future babies (regardless baby boy or girl) as well as for my friends and families.

I hardly go for baby’s accessories or amusement items, though they last longer. People always say that clothing wont last long, but I just love buying baby jumpers, rompuses, and jeans, but on top of these, I love baby dresses! (Hubby started to show some 'reflects' on baby dresses during our visit to Brand Outlets at IOI last Sunday…hehe! How cute when he pointed to this and that. He even mix-n-match them!)

So, after a “blast” happiness having Sami (I gave rompus, t-shirt, and baby 1st gym set) and Myra (soft toys, dress and legging) not to forget, Dzarif (a set of Simpson's; mom, dad, and son), more babies come into my life. Latest are Enda’s (close friend) and Mar’s (next door neighbor), whose both having boys. After few weeks holding the push for baby gifts, I at last bought each of the boys; a pair of Tommy Hillfiger rompus and 2 pairs of OshKosh T-shirts. (I used to give 2 mini bicycles for my cousin's twins! Gile! My own anak buah yang 8 orang tu jangan cakap la...segalanya!)

Well, packed them in DIY gift boxes and ready to be given away!

So aD, as I bet your's would be a gal, I am planning to give her a super cute dress and perhaps, with a ruffle baby legging! Yay!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mak, I Miss You :( Al-Fatihah...

It’s been 13 years without Mak…but I can still clearly remember the day I lost her.

The Scene.

14th September 1996. It was my sweet 18th birthday. Expecting for everyone to wish me happy birthday, the warden came in and woke me up at 6am.

Marina…u siap, and balik kampung. College will bear your flight cost.”

“Huh? But why?”

“Your mom sakit…your mom ada sakit apa-apa tak?”

“Not that I know…why?”

“Nothing…just get your things packed and go home…”


I was thinking nothing except…nothing. I packed my things and went to Kuantan Airport. I flew to Ipoh and from there, I called my sister on a public phone. Asking why and what. She just asked me to take a cab straight from Ipoh to Taiping, but ignored her advise, I took a bus. Why to waste my money, I thought back then.

Took my own sweet time on the bus, I was still feelingless. Approaching Simpang, I asked the bus driver to stop at the roadside. Walking towards my house, from far, I saw many people standing, chatting…and slowly turned their face on me.

I saw foods and drinks…and started to ponder, why these people wore kopiah and tudung. My bro, cousin brother, and his other two friends started to walk towards me, as they saw me looking confused and might acting out of someone’s expectation.


Napa ni…?”

All 4 guys later encircled me and said “Sabaq na Ina…”

I looked at them, each and everyone. I didn’t see my sisters. I didn’t see Abah. And the worst that I could ever think, I didn’t see Mak!


I started to cry badly and pushed away all 4 guys whom at that moment already gripped my both hands and body. I strangled so hard, tried to let loose like a mad cow that waiting to be slaughtered, and started to kick 4 of them. I remembered that all women specifically my aunt (mom’s sister) started to cry looking at the scene.

My cousin brother tried to calm me down by saying, “Jangan nangis. Kalau nak tengok mak, benti menangis. Tak baik.”

Pay no heed to his advice, I continued to strangle even harder. I kicked a TV cabinet and I broke down the glasses. They later took me to Makcik Ani’s house, our backdoor neighbour. There, they tried to calm me down, again.

I later lost energy to fight and just lie down and cry…I never cried so hard till I felt asleep. My sister then woke me up and spoke softly,

“Ina…bangun…tengok mak…”

I woke up in silent and took air sembahyang and wore proper baju kurung and tudung. I walked slowly towards my house’s backdoor passing through Makcik Ani’s backdoor. I saw white cloth covering unmoved body. Keeping my strength up high, I sat down and opened the cloth…and there I saw my mom, breathless…but her face was as bright as someone who’s faithful to Allah. The most amazing thing that ever happened on that time, she had a smile on her face…SubhanAllah…I was so touched and blessed. She'd go peacefully.

I recited yassin but yet, still crying gradually. May Allah be with her and put her amongst orang-orang yang beriman. Amin.

Behind The Scene.

I just got to know that my mom cried along the way from Kuantan to Taiping after she left me for college life (it was just only a week after the induction day). She told my sister that she had fulfilled her responsibility to send her last child to pursue a higher education (I’m the youngest and closest to her of 4 siblings).

My late mom had a fever for almost a week and what she wanted was only a teh tarik. She was earlier accompanying my sister at Ipoh, who practiced her teacher course, who previously stayed with me. They had a dinner at HB Road, Ipoh, before she was suspected to have dengue.

Worried of what my bro going to have for dinner, she insisted to go back to Taiping, and later admitted to Taiping Hospital at 10pm. Out of sudden, she was in comma and my family took turn to look after her. Getting late, my family went down to get some supper…which later, my mom took her last breath in front of her only sister at 5am.

My family took some time to let me know and they actually had kowtim with the college warden and my roommate, not to tell me anything bout the death of my mom, not till I reached Taiping. Worried of me going crazy and not reaching home, they kept it to themselves. And believed me, if they buried my mom before I came back, indubitably I will dig her grave there and then!!!

Last but not least, adding another big impact in my life, she left us exactly on my birthday, 14th September, just a day before her birthday, 15th September.

Unlike others, today, I wish…I still have Mak to celebrate the Mother’s Day. I wish I can shower her with all my love and money, endow her with everything, anything that she ever wanted in her life.

For those out there who still have Mak/Mama/Mom/Mummy/Mother/Ibu/Umi, PLEASE, AND DO APPRECIATE HER WHILE YOU CAN.

(Yes, I do have step mom, but it wont, and never, be the same as my one and only Mak…)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do Holler Me! It Starts...Now!

Good news for my blog readers!
You may now leave your comment WITHOUT any needs to be a registered blogger or registered Open ID.
Instead of being anonymous, you are welcome to put in your name and URL for future networking :)

Happy Hollering!

(Shhh...I just got to know that my blog setting does not allowed anonymous to leave any comment! Tak best la kan?)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Borneo In Nature - Day 3

Again, we woke up as early as 5am. We bought a bottle of drinking water and a pack of buns (tak sedap!). Masih hujan rintik-rintik. Alahai…nampak ke nanti Gunung Kinabalu ni…

The hotel staff drew us the way to Kundasang on a free map. We had to follow the path to Tamparuli before we reached Kundasang. I was asleep all the way dek kesejukan bukit-bukau sepanjang jalan. Sian hubby drive sorang-sorang tapi dia dah biasa sebab I memang suka tido dalam keta. Hehe!

After 1 and half hours, we reached Kundasang. Hubby woke me up and shouted,

“Dah sampaiiiiiii! Bangun! Bangun!”

I opened my eyes wider than his right after I saw one big mountain on my left.

“Wahhhhhhhh cantiknyeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Hubby looked at me and said,

“Ayang…tu bukan Gunung Kinabalu…tu baru anak-anak dia…”

I terdiam and cakap…

“Tak kira la bukan Kinabalu ke ape ke, I nak amik gak gambar! Cantiknyeeeee! Banyak kabusss!”

Maklum la tak penah pegi Sabah, so tatau la yang mana satu Gunung Kinabalu nyer. While mesmerizing and fascinating no-name-mountains around me, hubby started to tell a story. He told me that a guy named Akinabalu had a deep heartbreaking after he lost his wife and kids. He later brought his duka lara heart and went to climb Gunung Kinabalu and lost without any track. Vanished. And that is where Gunung Kinabalu got its name. Ooooo…

We stopped at one place called Ferata since I insisted hubby to do so. A couple of guys were there to ‘melunaskan hajat’ di tepi dinding belakang pokok. Cis! We started to snap few pictures before we headed to Kundasang, the right place to view Mount Kinabalu. Terasa nak terkencing pulak! I urged hubby to find a place for me to you-know-what. He started the engine and looked for one resort that he used to stop…but dari naik bukit dah sampai nak turun bukit, tak jumpa-jumpa jugak resort tu!

We turned back and tried our luck at one new resort called Kinabalu Pine Resorts. It was located exactly in front of Mount Kinabalu. This could be the resort that hubby datang dulu. We parked in front of one of the room. Lepas ke toilet, kitorang tuju ke satu tempat hoteliers lepak, dari situ, bleh view Mount Kinabalu! MALANGNYEEEEEE KABUS MELIPUTI GUNUNG ITU YANG MANA KITORANG TAK DAPAT NAK TENGOK PUNCAKNYEEEEEE! Sakit hati tak? Datang awal-awal, tapi tak dapat tengok puncak…sigh…

We snapped few pictures kat area resort tu termasuklah kat area bawah resort tu. From there, memang nampak sayup rumah-rumah penanam sayur di kaki gunung. Sangat aman dan damai. Peacefullll sangat! Kekadang, nampak jugak awan yang bergerak laju, kira nampak gak la puncak tu skit-skit di celah-celah awan tu. Jadi la…

We really had a short time to waste here as we had to return back to hotel and fly back to KL. Kereta patutnyer hantar jam 10am, tapi I dah extend to 2pm. Hotel plak problem sebab tak bagitau nak checkout lambat! Details semua kat dalam bilik! Arghhhh! I straight away call my sis in Perak, forced her to logon to Internet and find me the hotel number! Thank god, my bro in law tengah surf Internet! Terus dapat number and we managed to let the hotel know that kitorang nak late checkout! At most diorang kasi was 1pm. Nasib baik cekap!

Later we turned back to Kundasang, the place we they put vegetables on the market, means they plant and sell veges la. Semua fresh gile and sangat cantik! I chosed 3 types of mushrooms and I got it for RM10, a pack of three of capsicums for RM3, and hubby got a pack of daun bawang yang sangatttttttttt gemuk dan besar + carrot + kacang buncis for RM5. Melampau kan? Beli sayur kat KK bawak balik ke KL macam kat KL tak leh dapat! Memang tak leh dapat, especially daun bawang yang besar gedabak tu!

Then we saw one makcik selling air panas yang dibancuh disitu jugak bersama bihun goreng and nasik lemak dalam plastic kecik. Menarik nih! Bleh breakfast! We approached her and ordered for one milo, one teh tarik, one bihun and one nasik lemak. Total for all was only RM3.40!!! Nasik lemak and bihun goreng tu Rm0.50 each! Ya Rabbiiiiii! Murah gile! Tapau!

“Nak makan kat mana ni?”

“Dalam keta je la…kita gi tempat lain, bukannya nampak puncak pun, kabus tebal…”

Dengan perasaan yang sangat frust, kitorang gerak ke Kinabalu Park. Before that sempat singgah ke Kundasang War Memorial tapi tak bukak lagi. Tangkap gambar kat pintu je la ye. Pastu gerak ke Kinabalu Park. Bayar RM7 and we entered the park. Naik kereta je pusing park tu. Sampai satu area ni, we saw one mat saleh dok tangkap gambar. I asked hubby to park at the pedestrian and kitorang makan dulu. MasyaAllahhhhhh sedap gile kay bihun ngan nasik lemak tadi!!! Menyesal tak beli sorang 2!!! Dah la air panas, cuaca sejuk, dah macam kat oversea! Hahaha!

Lepas abis makan, kitorang turun. Amazingly, I tak pakai baju sejuk langsung tau. Hubby je pakai. Untuk menampakkan kesejukan di dalam gambar, I pakai jugak la sweater Eskimo I tu. Hehe! We walked down the trail and saw ONE BIG RAFFLESIA (buatan). Ape lagi, tak dapat yang real, yang tipu pun jadi la. Sampai kaki I termasuk dalam kawasan yang lecah sebab ada air kat situ. Eiiiii! Hubby plak panjat bunga tu, amik gambar. Comel! Haha!

Then we walked down the other trail, this time jumpa jambatan plak. So macam biasa, amik gambar sana sini. Bunga tah pape jadi subject untuk photo session macro. Bukannyer cantik pun. Takpe la. Lepas dah bosan, kitorang ke Botanical Garden plak. Nak masuk kena bayar. Tapi sebab budak tu kata takde pape, just bunga/pokok hutan, takde rafflesia sebenar pun, kitorang tak jadi la masuk. Just amik gambar kat luar-luar tu je.

Tetiba hubby nampak Cawan! We quickly hide behind the building, konon nak surprisekan diorang. Tapi hampeh, lama gile tunggu, diorang tak masuk pun. So hubby and I continued to take pictures. While we ducking at one small jambatan, amik gambar sungai, baru diorang lalu. Buat-buat tak kenal tapi diorang kenal my sweater! Hahaha! Kantoi! They paid and went inside but diorang cakap takde pe pun, buat rugi je. Nasib baik tak masuk!

Lepas tu kitorang berpecah. Diorang baru nak gi Kundasang, while kitorang dah nak gerak balik. On the way out from Kinabalu Park, we stopped by the entrance and snapped few pictures. Ada satu kawasan tu, dapat la tengok puncak Kinabalu kejap sebab awan dah start clear sebab nak tengah hari skit. Dapat la amik gambar skit. Patu kitorang gerak ke Ferata tu balik.

Sampai Ferata, cuaca makin cerah. Turun, amik gambar. This time, ramai orang dah kat situ. Macam-macam aksi dah. Siap ada satu pompuan ni dok buat video clip lagu Sabah. Hahaha! Miming! Ada gak orang Semenanjung kat situ dok amik gambar. Tak tau la Low’s Peak ke, Ugly Sister’s Peak ke, kitorang belasah je amik gambar puncak tu. Janji puas!

Then kitorang gerak balik. On the way tu ada satu stop, tak tau nama pe, ada banyak jual souvenirs. Hubby beli satu t-shirt. Me too. But I belikan 3 helai t-shirts for my bro and bro in laws. Padahal dah suruh Na beli kat Jalan Gaya esok sekaligus ngan baju my nieces and nephews. Nak sms, handphone Na and Cawan dua-dua kong. Tawakal je la. (Dah balik KL, nasib baik Na tak beli baju untuk my bro and bro in laws, mahal katanya! Fuh, telepati sungguh!)

Sampai hotel, terus kemas and check out. Nak makan, takut kang terlebih masa kat airport. So kitorang singgah ke Tanjung Aru for sightseeing. Tu pun tak masuk dalam sebab kena bayar, gile. Takpe la, tak cun pun. Then we headed to KKIA Terminal 2. Lepas hantar kereta (we got charged RM15 per hour instead of RM30, hasil daripada kegaranganku di dalam email sebab tak puas hati ngan harga diorang…hehe!) kitorang gi lunch kat Asia CafĂ©. Then lepak kejap sampai tertido hubby dibuatnyer. Before that elok je dok bergambar kat bendera Sabah. Haha!

Masa check in, mintak seat sebelah-sebelah siap-siap. Takut nanti jadi macam masa nak datang haritu. Nasib baik dapat. Naik flight, tido. Sampai LCCT, amik keta, kena RM107. HAMIK KO!

More Pics here :

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Borneo In Nature - Day 2

Hubby woke up as early as 4am to re-park the car. Last nite, we parked the car by the road side since there was no more available parking space for hoteliers (see…one of the drawbacks of having hotel within a shopping mall). Hubby came back and asked me to get dress for breakfast. The breakfast was fine and the site was elegant. Having the common hotel foods, I took 3 dishes, scrambled eggs (I had it with chili sauce), mixed cereals with low fat milk and porridge (kicap tak masin, yucks!). While hubby, scrambled eggs (he liked it with salt and pepper), porridge and toasted bread. (Pity him; he didn’t get his honey pancakes from this hotel).

“Alamak…hujan!!! Camne nak snorkeling niiiiiii!” hubby and I shouted.

We called Na and the gang, they have already waited in the car. (They took Avanza since there were 6 of them). Ni kira tak kisah la hujan ke ape ke, janji snorkel! Haha! So Cawan lead us to Jesselton Point for boat ride to TAR Marine Park. They have purchased tickets last nite, so we just added another 2 for hubby and I. And so we were in the same boat! Yeaha! Since hubby and I brought our own snorkel equipments, we just rented 2 life jackets. While Na and the gang, got a very good price for 6, both jackets and masks (sempat la bergaduh kejap sebab pompuan bodo tu salah kira, dah delay boat kitorang. Cis! Patut tolak timing sewa kan Na?)

Cawan has bought an interesting gadget, a fully sealed and air-less plastic camera cover for underwater. It came with various sizes, so I should get one for me later. Tak payah beli underwater camera kan! (Kita tengok hasilnyer nanti). After few minutes of jacket and mask drama, the boatman started the engine…


Ha amik ko…for a beach goer like me, yang tak kisah naik banana boat terpelanting 10 kali pun, yang tak penah kisah naik fibre-glass boat my dad dari kecik, yang pernah naik boat pegi island hopping kat langkawi and pangkor, akhirnya tewas di tangan boatman dari Sabah bah…so sad…rasa cam nak pukul je beach boy tu!!! And rasa macam tak nak naik dah boat dia balik nanti!!! Lucky he nicely explained to us why he did that and why the boat macam nak tunggang terbalik semata-mata nak melawan ombak. Fine…whateva…

We stopped at Manukan Island first and paid RM3 each at the jetty point. Along the jetty, we saw many marine fish swimming by those visitors who lured them with bread. Rasa macam nak snorkel je kat situ! But we had to swim only within the green area (smaller zone). Red area? It’s a no-no zone. We walked to the right side of the island, where groups of Korean, Japanese, and locals had their own spots. Hujan still rintik-rintik. Kitorang letak semua barang kat satu meja ni (patut la takde orang nak, semut api penuh!!!). Then I changed to my wet suit and kecebushhhh terjun dalam air!

Since cuaca tak panas, air plak tak brapa sejuk, seronok la mandi and snorkeling. Tak pakai sunblock pun tau. Gile! Kitorang snorkeled ke tengah skit, baru nampak ikan besar-besar and warna-warni. Kalau tak, kecik-kecik je ikan macam ikan bilis! Haha! As usual, beraksi la kitorang dalam laut since Cawan bawak camera. Siap nak tangkap-tangkap ikan tu tapi confirmed la tak dapat kan. I started to unclip my life jacket and dive down to the sea floor. I picked up a handful of sands and showed it to hubby as evidence that I had reached the bottom. Hehe! (Hubby can’t dive…). I never buckled up back my life jacket as I can now, floating. Yayyyyyy! (Only when it was deeper by twice of me, and I wasn’t panic!)

The boatman supposed to fetch us from Manukan Island and proceed to Sapi Island. About 11am, he came and we were off to Sapi Island. On the boat, I already set in my mind on what it would be like, so dah tak brapa takut, in fact, I enjoyed it sambil jerit-jerit! Haha! Sampai Sapi Island, again, ikan lebih banyak kat jeti. Colorful plak tu! Beach boy tu kata ikan kat Sapi ni tak selapar Manukan. Haha! Bleh plak camtu ek…tengok diorang kasi roti, berkerumun jugak!

This time, we walked to the left side of the island, since belah kanan takde pantai. Snorkeling area pun bigger than Manukan. Ke tengah laut skit la. Makin lama makin dalam, biru dan gelapppp je airnyer. Hehe…takut gak kang tetiba ada shark kan! Tapi buat bodo je. At the jetty point, there was a sign “Jellyfish season”. Alamak…ni yang tak best ni…ada mamat ni siap dapat tangkap sekor and placed it over the other side of the beach sebab tak nak orang terkena. Upper part dia tak bisa, lower part dia yang ada tentacles tu yang bisa. Eiii takut!

Again, I tried to dive 3 times, but this time, pressure a bit kuat, so tak brapa nak sampai ke dasar. Kat sini, we were so excited and teruja (especially hubby and I) coz we saw Dogface Pufferfish, Maroon Clown Fish, Wrasse, Picasso Trigger and one ikan todak besar. Best gile! Cuma tak nampak Lion Fish je…Powder Blue Dory pun tak nampak. Morish Idol apetah lagi. Tapi takpe, puas jugak la. We even stood on the “tukun tiruan” konon macam tak dalam. Hehe. Masa ada sorang mamat ni tengah snorkel, kasi ikan makan, beratus ikan keliling dia. Kitorang apa lagi, amik kesempatan, gi tangkap gambar kat tepi dia. Haha! Serious pengacau! So next time, dah tau, letak roti banyak-banyak dalam botol mineral and kuarkan skit-skit kasi ikan makan. Tak yah beli. Patu sorang kena amik gambar!

At 2pm, we waited the boatman at the jetty point. While waiting, we thought of having free fish spa treatment (sebab masa sampai nampak sorang minah ni sedap je letak kaki, ikan kecik-kecik tu datang kat kaki dia). Tapi tak seindah khabar, ikan-ikan tu tak gigit pun kaki kitorang! Haha! Dia cam dekat-dekat je. Cis! Naik balik, duk kat jetty.

“Itu yang melayu tu. Mari, mari. Kalau tunggu, sampai esok pun tidak pulang!” a man shouted from a boat stated “Apparu” that full of people waiting on the seats.

Kitorang ke? Haah! Sape lagi melayu kat sini! Hahaha! Mana la nak perasan, tadi boatman lain, ni boatman lain. Rupanya dia angkut semua skali guna boat besar. Cis! Tak pasal-pasal kena jerit. Bodo! We walked into the boat (penuh dengan Japanese) and guess what, boat besar ni pun bawak laju melambung-lambung! Gile tul!

When we reached Jesselton Point, cuaca dah start panas. Nasib baik. But my face dah terbakar macam udang panggang sebab tak pakai sunblock. Thanks to my Roxy wet suit yang berlengan panjang. Hehe! We had our lunch at the food court nearby. Makanan murah, air mahal. Dah la tak sedap. Hmm.

Not enough swimming in the ocean, we went back to the hotel for a swimming pool dipping plak. Since Tune hotel didn’t have any pool, Na and the gang came to our hotel via the 1Borneo shopping complex. Hahaha…dengan baju yang basah, kasut yang basah, selamba je masuk shopping complex. Sejuk nak mampus kena aircond. I plak tunggu diorang kat exit hotel to the mall. Lagi lawak, siap wet suit bagai. Haha!

We took a lift and walked straight to the hotel pool at level 3. It was an indoor pool, covered with super attractive ocean creature’s canvas! All in blue! First time tengok pool se-creative ni. Without wasted any time, we dipped in the pool and,


It was as cold as plain water with ice that you ordered from mamak stall! Sejuk gile! Menggigil-gigil kitorang. Tapi sebab nak mandi pool gak, semua terjun. While swimming and diving (ignore the don’ts), we cursing the cold water. Pool tu dah macam kitorang punya. Dah la standard Olympic size (Chewah! Betul la kot sebab 50m gak panjangnyer).

Lepas mandi, semua balik ke bilik. At night, we went to Philippine Market and did some shopping. Souvenirs were quite pricey and they didn’t look like they were desperate enough to sell it off. Discount setakat seringgit dua, apa hasil! But leaving Sabah with pearls is a must! (Air tawar punya je la, air masin mau kerat jari youuuu! RM4k!) I bought 4 bracelets with pearls for my family (each ladies got one…except me…tah tak tau nape I tak beli untuk diri sendri…hehehe!) and half dozens of fridge magnets!

After shopping, we went to night market just next to Philippine Market. I can tell youuuu, tempat ni macam heaven for food galore! Gerai belambak gile! Ikan bakar, udang bakar, sotong bakar, you name it! Semua ada! Harga plak…tengok size…boleh la, macam harga kat semenanjung je. Kata murah! But I only had bihun sup for dinner while others, ada yang makan nasik and mee goreng. But for those who really hygienic seperti mak mentuaku, sangatlah tidak dialu-alukan. Sebab kat situ la ko basuh pinggan, kat situ la ko ceduk nasik, kat situ la ko buat air, kat situ la ko bakar ikan sotong sume. Hehe…boleh la if nak merasa macam fear factor. I ok je, tak mati pun.

“Pas ni gi mana lagi?”

“1B Rainforest since tempat tu dalam 1B je, leh terus balik bilik” and all of us agreed.

We reached hotel around 8pm. Cari parking, full. Fine, parking kat tempat jokey RM5 per day. Tapi since Na dah bayar earlier, takkan nak bayar lagi. So diorang park kat depan 1B, kitorang park kat luar tepi jalan, free! Nanti-nanti baru cari parking balik. We went into 1B and tried to locate the 1B Rainforest. Sampai je, tutup! Ape ni? Rupanya itu pintu belakang. Letak la sign. Cis! We walked towards the entrance and paid RM8 each. Yang lain semua dah masuk. Tinggal hubby, I, adik Na and her bf je masuk sekali.

Again, not to much to fancy, except for a spitting cobra and gecko. Yang lain semua amfibias, reptiles and few small mammals. Tapi cantik la dalam dia, macam dalam hutan hujan. Ada replica rafflesia, souvenirs, hut and caves. Amik gambar! Amik gambar! Haha! I only used macro to snap pictures. Senang skit, tak perlu flash as I never like to use flash when taking pictures. I suka original lighting.

Lepas semua dah tah ke mana-mana membawa haluan masing-masing, we walked back to the car and parked at the jockey area with no charges! (Diorang dah balik.) Puas hati! Then balik bilik. Tengok tv, tido. Sok kena bangun awal, nak ke Kundasang!

More Pics here :
Day 2
Special - Fauna