
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Class Spectator!

Look at this first class audience during ATP Master Series in Rome...

...macam la dia bayar tiket mahal sangat! TURUN! (bila bola tu start melantun, dia dah cakar-cakar screen! NOOOOOO!)

(Kiki skang macam tak puas hati sebab tak dapat merasa air-cond kat atas display rack tu...dulu dia slalu dapat first class air-cond, SKANG KITORANG KENA ANGKAT DIA AND LETAK ATAS DISPLAY RACK TU, WAH WAH WAHHHH! And since dah tak bleh naik, dia buat hobi la baru, first class audience depan tv plak...haiiiiiiihhhh!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sabah Tour Cookbook

Our ritual tour cookbook, once again, has been derived!
Front Cover
Back Cover

Just wait for the travel journey y'all!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Terokai Paya Indah Wetlands

Paya Indah Wetlands.
Does it ring any bell to you?
We came acrossed this place on the way to Sepang GoldCoast last few weeks. Dulu cari memang tak penah jumpa. Bila tak cari, ternampak la plak.
Masa pegi haritu hujan and tutup. Since today kitorang nak tengok parking rates kat LCCT, we decided to stop by again at this desserted PoI untuk bergambar.
Masuk je area tu, terus pusing satu round. Tak banyak sangat kereta. And memang kena drive through pun sebab nak jalan, mau patah kaki and hitam satu badan. Then we stopped at one area, ada chalet mewah kat situ. Depan dia ada paya full with bunga teratai.
Sekitar tu ada beberapa lagi chalet mewah…tapi semua kosong.
Tempat ni sangat cantik untuk bergambar. Pakage outdoor untuk pengantin memang sesuai skali. Hehe! Lepas selesai bergambar, we moved to another spot. Ada kolam besarrrrrrrrr penuh dengan itik-itik dan angsa-angsa comel! Wahhhhh aman nyerrrr! Berhenti kejap and snap gambar. I sampai terjatuh sebab kaki termasuk dalam satu lubang kecik! Waaaaa…sakit tau!
Ignore the pain, kitorang bergambar lagi dan lagi!
Dalam kolam besarrrr tadi, kelihatan benda hitam bergerak dalam air just nearby the tree. Diamati dekat-dekat…HIPPO RUPANYAAAAA! Ada 3 ekor! Sedap dok berendam! Comelnyeeeee! (Mesti mahal kan diorang beli hippo ni?)
Patu ada satu lagi kolam besar dan lagi luas dari tadi, this time, kolam buaya plak. (Tapi sekor buaya pun tak nampak.) Wah…mau nyer malam-malam terlepas, sedap je naik ke chalet tu kan? Haha!
Overall, tempat ni memang aman…or TERLALU AMAN. Hehe. Sebab takde orang and sunyi. Tapi sumpah cantik.
Kiranya, projek ‘gajah putih’ ar ni…sebab Che Det dah launched tempat ni since year 2001. Sampai skarang baru bukak separuh.
Then kitorang stop kejap kat kaunter penerangan. Actually kena register dulu, baru bleh jalan-jalan dalam wetlands ni. Kitorang plak dah selamba je blasah masuk baru gi situ. I tanya brapa harga chalet tapi budak kaunter tu kata tak bukak fully lagi. Bila hubby tanya tempat ni under sape, dia cam was-was je jawab under kerajaan Selangor, tapi cam, hmmm Selangor la senang cite. Tah pape…tah-tah Khir Toyo nyer projek! Kahkah!
P/S: Kalau tak de Kem Latihan PLKN, mesti tempat tu lagi sunyi. Tengok je la budak dua orang kat bawah ni yang teringin nak masuk PLKN tapi terlebih umur! Haha!
Janji dapat berjalan!

More pics here!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Samsung Win Over Our Hearts!

Yet, another recommendation took place.

We didn’t plan to get one, but somehow we just walked in and grabbed one! Haha! Looking at Adib’s and Siti’s, Samsung is the right choice. Cheap with quality. We did screen Sharp Aquos and Sony Bravia and both comes with different advantage and dis. High quality with high price mostly. And some comes with free package 5 days 4 nites in Bali/Phuket/Local and some with home theatre and blueray player (damnnnnn!)

Full HD is the N thing nowadays but hell no to blueray price! So we can skip it off at this moment. HD-ready would be enuff. Haha! Seng Heng did give a very gud offer (40”, RM3299 with RM300 discount, RM12 for membership and vacation contest) BUTTTTT it’s a display item. Hmm…cheap, wide, but display item? Susah la nak terima…mesti kedai tu dah blasah 24jam kan?

Dengan perasaan yang tak tertahan, we walked out from the store and went to our favorite electrical shop, Best 88 @ Seri Kembangan, just to have a second opinion. The moment we stepped in, a young lady dah provoke suruh amik ni, amik tu! Ishhhhh jap la nak pikirrrr! Haha! We asked for the same model that we looked at Seng Heng just now. Her price was much higher (40”, RM3699 but reduced to RM3180 after a quick bargain! Biasa la I kan…bargain chick bak kata Adib!).

Dissatisfied with the offer, I slowly asked her to reduce down a bit more…I told her that ‘another’ shop offered me RM2999, and since I like “her shop very much and had bought many electrical things from her place”, I passed the offer (gile kipas!). She kinda speechless and started to refer to her boss.

“Kalau u kasi ini harga, I angkat la…boleh maaaa” I said.

“Waaa ini harga kos wor…saya tak untung apa wor…”

“Aaaaa dari dulu semua harga kos, if harga kos ar, u punya kedai mesti sudah tutup maaaa” hubby added.

“Ok la boleh la boleh la, saya tak untung worrrr”

Hubby and I looked at each other and stunned! Gile betul minah ni! Kalau kita sebut RM2899 tadi pun tah-tah bleh dapat! Hahaha! Dah la stock baru, bukan display item macam Seng Heng nak kasi tadi!

Terus la bukak invoiceeeeeee! Sign, suh dia antar malam tu jugak! (It was nearly 9.00PM, tatau la kedai dia tutup pukul brapa).

To ensure that they give us a new stock, we waited outside and looked from far. Tengok-tengok betul la, dia kuarkan kotak baru! Yes! Ye la, takkan dia nak tipu plak kan…kitorang dah beli fridge, washer and air-cond kat dia…cina kalo business memang bagus, cuba melayu…(Seng Heng tadi tu kat Bangi, owner melayu, dia tak pandai layan customer, dukkkk je kat counter tu…).

On the way, kitorang dok race ngan lori kedai tu. Laju gile dia bawak. Haha! Sampai rumah, pasang, terpegun kejap. Hubby siap test tengok dari dapur, dari tangga, ha kompem, nampak, nampak! Hahaha! Tah pape…

Daripada 32" ke 37" ke 40" ke 42" (lucky turun balik amik 40" je). Inilah yang dinamakan kerja gile, masuk kedai, tengok, terus beli. Ada dalam wishlist, tapi takde dalam budget list. Seb baik murah...kalo mahal kim salam je la...Next, nak cari PS2 :D RM500 je kan skang Dib? Bulan depan plak ke...kan...hahaha!

It's Our Car-Day!

Right after we had our breakfast, we headed to spare part shop to buy MyVi’s semysyn oil and oil filter.For almost 9 years, I only trust Panjang to do my car. I must say that his workmanships, services and charges are quite an extra, but still, affordable. And I always satisfied with the result.

It was hubby’s car turn after I got my car serviced. By this time, I started to ponder should I or shouldn’t I change the disc break, as it produces squeeking sound whenever I use it. Tah la, orang cakap, Myvi keluaran 2006 ada this noted problem. To solve it, kena tukar disc break. I’ve been asking around, some said I need to change it, some said reversly. Tukar break pad lebih patut. But I did that too. Still…ada bunyi.

Thanks to Icam, for giving me some recommendations since he also drive a MyVi. I remember we had the same semangat untuk buat macam-macam kat Myvi kitorang. Masa tu semua accessories, spare parts, barang performance untuk MyVi ni still mahal. MP3 player console, armrest, bodykit, spring, bulp, you name it. Semua kitorang nak sapu. Haha! But now, he did more than I do sebab dia dah tukar adjustable absorber…cis!

Knowing Panjang, he always makes me fall into his recommendation (more or less). Somehow, I can get the same thing and brand with cheaper price, but the warranty that he offers that I desire for. So lepas kowtim total charges service and tukar disc break (dari kedai dia), dapat la RM220. Boleh ar…

At last, no more squeeking sound for god sake! Mintak-mintak la lama disc ni bertahan. I promise to change your shoes every 3 services ye Black Pearl?! Hehe…

Then alignment took place. How loyal I be for Panjang, same goes to Ah Man. Haaaa…coz Ah Man always gor for manual alignment rather than computerized. Lagi tepat dan tahan lama. Again, I called Icam for his recommendation on comfortability area. Since spring lembut and rendah, I masih tak nak tukar absorber sebab elok and tak bocor lagi. So he suggested to put spring damper in between the coils. Ha gud idea! (Btw, my bro pun guna benda ni rupanya…)

And so I get this thing around my spring. Susah gak nak pasang sebab coils tu dah rapat sangat. Nak tau iklan dia camne? “You can feel a comfort drive as good as driving a Benz!” Wahhhh melampau nyer iklan! Haha! Sebab tu la I beli (though I know it wont happen)…kahkahkah!

Lepas settle semua tu, we tested. Langgar je humps yang ada kat area tu, and voila!!! Tidak tersagat lagiiiiii! Hahaha! If orang naik kat blakang, tak tau la kan. Ok kot…

We had our lunch at Ekuin and then went for car wash. Ya Allah, brapa lama tak basuh keta! Kotor gile! Esp rim depan. HITAM DEK BREAK PAD BARU! Hahaha. Hubby pun basuh keta dia. Kotor gak. Lepas basuh, puas gile…baru la berkilat nampak rim tu…hehe! Sorry Black Pearl, you ARE blackish black!

Haih…letih satu hari buat hal keta…next thing to do, repair MP3 player, tukar kit untuk bumper blakang (dah terbakar area ekzos), trade current rims and tyres (though I sayang gile rims tu), ganti adjustable absorber and last but not least, wax and polish! Hmm…brapa semua tu?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Consumerisma Melanda

Semenjak dua menjak tiga menjak ni, budaya "consumerisma" sangat tebal melarat ke dalam benak ku. Segala duit yang ada di dalam purse ku, akan ku gunakan "sehabis" baik mungkin untuk membeli pakaian di belakang office ku. Untuk tidak membenci diri sendiri yang membeli baju dan sluar bersaiz S sedangkan badan ku semakin mengembang bersaiz M yang kadang-kalanya bersaiz L, akan ku post kan dua gambar yang seadanya untuk tatapan pembaca blog ku. Nah kamu...

P/S: Ye. Memang benar saya menarik nafas untuk mengempiskan perut ku dengan tujuan bergambar.

Zoom In Penang - Day 2

Bangun pagi, siap-siap, turun breakfast. Tengok dishes dia, sedap and best. As usual, I kalo breakfast kat hotel, mesti amik cereal and scrambled egg. Patu sausages…tapi…
“Ayang, you rasa chicken ham and sausage ni halal tak?”
“Tah la…halal kot…”
“Mmmmm…tak yah la…”
Ini la kesannya baru balik dari Negara omputih! Hahaha! Sampai makanan kat M’sia pun dah rasa cam tak halal je. Padahal kat hotel, mesti la halal! Apedaaaa…
Tetiba Abang I called, tanya kitorang buat pe. Diorang nak tido Penang arini sebab esok Perak cuti. Kak Ngah pun ada! Wahhhh best nih! I called Kak Ngah, diorang dah atas feri dah! So I changed my short pants and janji ngan diorang jumpa kat Chowrasta. I pakai skirt jeans, straw hat again and long sleeves top.
Masa jalan keluar dari hotel (Cititel ni walking distance je ke Chowrasta), ada la satu aunty cina tua pakai payung ni cakap cina dari tadi ngan I. I tak brapa paham la apa dia cakap tapi dia macam nak mintak tolong pimpin dia untuk lintas jalan tu la. Dia dok cong ceng cong ceng. Last-last I cakap,
“Aaa…lai lai…”
“Um koi ar cong ceng cong ceng” tak benti cakap lagi.
“Mo man tai…” I let her go and walked straight la.
Patuuuuu dia dok cong ceng cong ceng lagi sebab depan tu ada satu lagi jalan. I tahan keta then dia jalan sama ngan kitorang lagi la. Patu sambung cong ceng cong ceng lagi. Ya Allahhhhhhh, is it too obvious I pakai bukan macam melayu??? Semalam cam jepun, arini cam cina plak! Hahaha! Semalam kat Bukit Bendera, I beli air kat budak perempuan melayu ni, dia bleh tanya in English, what you want? Mineral? Cold? Weh aku melayu laaaaa…lepas I cakap melayu, baru dia cakap melayu. Hahaha!
Dah sampai kat Chowrasta, jumpa Kak Ngah kat bazaar baju. Masa ni, Abang I plak tak prasan I! Adeh…lama je I tengok dia, dia leh jalan buat tatau menononggg je. Hampeh! Patu kitorang gi beli jeruk. Hubby nak sangat asam katok dia, dapat gak akhirnya.
Lepas beli, kitorang gerak ke hotel. My sis and Abang nak tengok hotel tu. Kecik as what I told them la. Lepas check out, kitorang gi cari hotel untuk diorang plak. My sis ada hotel favourite, Crown Jewel, tapi renovation plak. So gi Paradise, yang standard dah abis. Last-last gi Copthorne. Tempat kitorang penah stay.
Since my sis government servant, dapat la bilik besar dengan harga standard. Macam biasa, I slalu mintak sea view, then the highest the better. Memang dapat pun paling tinggi! Siap sampai ke board nama hotel tu lagi! Haha! RM150 connecting rooms. Besar dari bilik kitorang tadi, siap ada balcony.
Then kitorang kuar balik gi makan nasik ayam kat kedai depan. (Toy Museum semalam tu, betul-betul depan hotel ni). Tapi nasik ayam tu malam je. So kitorang gi makan kat Khaleel, nasik kandaq lagiiiii! This time, takde telur-telur. Hubby cakap amik telur ayam je…hahaha!
Lepas makan, kitorang gi Batu Feringghi. Since tak nak mandi laut, kitorang decide nak mandi pool je, sebab pool hotel ni besarrrrrrrrrr sangat! But before that, singgah tempat makcik laksa Tanjung Bungah. Dari kecik kitorang makan laksa makcik ni, tapi akak tu kata makcik tu baru je arwah…Innalillahhhh…tapi nasib baik akak tu sambung penjualan laksa mak dia tu! Bleh merasa lagi!
Kitorang tapau je. Patu yang laki-laki bersama anak-anak semua balik hotel. Kak Ngah, Ida, hubby and I, bersama Skin and Hasrul, gi cari Giant. Nak cari tights buat mandi. Malangnye, Giant situ takde bahagian baju. Laaaa…patah balik gi Batu Feringghi, masih tak beli pape. Last-last ada satu kedai jualan kat town, beli kat situ je, tapi kecik skit. Mau ke Abg Ngah pakai ni???
Balik hotel, makan kejap, then salin baju. Since Ida takde baju and Kak Ngah tak suka baju dia, I kasi duit, suh dia beli baju kat hotel tu je! Haha! Sekali tu dia bleh plak la beli baju cam orang angkat berat tuuuuuu! Lawak sehhhhh!
Masa ni Skin dah takde, diorang balik ke KL dulu. Dapat gak Skin naik feri ye…hehehe! Kitorang plak, teruskan mandi macam tak sudah. Yang laki bini dok peluk sana sini, yang anak-anak melompat sana sini. Pandai jugak my niece and nephews berenang ek? Bagus-bagus…
Dah senja, kitorang bergambar tak henti-henti sambil gelak-gelak dalam pool. Tah pape, riuh satu pool tu dengan aksi-aksi lucah kitorang. Haha! Abg Ngah pakai towel kat dada dah macam pondan blakang opis ni ha! Hahaha! Hubby tak abis-abis dok buat sign peace masa bergambar, ala-ala Shafie Afdal tuuuu (menteri with peach sign).
Lepas siap, kitorang gi dinner kat nasik ayam siang tadi yang tak bukak tu. Sedap gak la. Lepas makan, kitorang gerak. Naik feri, slow la pulak. Terpaksa la tunggu gak. Then I tido sampai la singgah umah Kak Ngah amik laptop kitorang. Then jumpa my dad kat kedai satay dia, then gerak ke KL. Sampai KL kul 4 pagi! Sian hubby, tapi I ngantuk sangat. Sampai je terus tido…sok nak kejaaaa!!! Sigh…
P/S: Gambar nanti ye...

Zoom In Penang - Day 1

“Hotel! Cititel Penang?”
This is what we get for Lucky Dip after we purchased Koh Samui ticket from Firefly, during Matta Fair 2009. The staff did help us by giving a ‘clue’, to dip deeply in the box and pick anything with big envelope. Some with hotel free stay, some with spa free package, that’s what she said. (How we wish we get Sabah instead of Penang…sebab Sabah dah ada ticket flight!)
So, we confirmed a date AFTER Skin got her confirmation date from Berjaya Penang. Nak pegi sekali! Skin went to Penang a day before we go. Dia dapat 2 nights kat sana. Kitorang menyusul lepas keje, tapi singgah Taiping for a nite.
Malam tu lepak kat kedai satay Pak ‘Ein. Makan free lagi la jawabnyeeee! Haha! Bankrupt la bapak i…balik rumah Kak Ngah, tido.
Early morning, hubby and I went to Kota Jaya for nasik lemak. Lepas breakfast, terus gerak ke Penang. Naik highway sammmmmpai la ke Jambatan Pulau Pinang. Since the bridge still under refurbishment, so gambar tak brapa cantik sangat la. And the air, completely hazy. Tak tau nape. Again, nak amik gambar pun tak brapa best sebab tak clear.
We headed straight to Bukit Bendera (a.k.a Penang Hill…nape tak Flag Hill je kan? Hahaha!). Janji nak jumpa Skin kat sini. Unsure of their arrival, we bought our ticket first. 11.00AM. Tak brapa ramai as per what Kak Ngah said, sebab weekend dia kata orang queue panjang, just to buy the ticket, tak kira yang menunggu lagi. Nasib baik.
Tak sampai brapa minit, Skin sampai kat ticket counter. I saje je nak amik gambar dia, Hasrul and Sami dari belakang. Patu I tengok selamba je diorang blah tak tegur I. Bleh?
Skin and Hasrul pandang je I…
“Laaaaaaaaaaaaaa ko ke Biqqueeeeeeee!!! Aku ingat Jepun mana tadiiiiiiii!!!”
Well that’s what they said. Sebab I pakai jumper, pakai straw hat, pakai sunglasses, bawak sling bag! Kahkahkah! Lawak sungguh!
They got 11.15AM ticket. Disebabkan nak naik sekali, I slowly approach a couple, to swap their ticket with mine. Nasib baik diorang nak! So dapat la kitorang naik sama-samaaaaaa…
Masa beratur je dah sesak. Naik tram, kena berdiri. Masa ni dah start humid. Panas. Tram gerak je kitorang dah gelak-gelak sebabbbbbbbbb tak nampak apa! I tot dulu masa kecik-kecik naik tram ni, tak nampak luar sebab I pendek/kecik lagi! Dah besar-besar camni pun still tak nampak! Kira betul la memang tak nampak depan belakang sebab tram tu 45degrees! Ceh…baik duk depan or belakang skali, at least nampak la tram track tu.
Takpe, tengok kiri kanan je la…itupun, tak cantik langsung. Ada la t-rex kecik sekor, but that’s it! Hahahaha! Sedih kan
In the middle of the journey, ada la bertembung dengan tram dari atas. Dalam 20 minit jugak la nak sampai. Tapiiiii baru sampai kat interchange/transit jeeeee! Tukar tram, rupanya kena naik lagi atasssss! Hahaha!
Sampai kat atas, agak windy. Sejuk nyer tu ada la terasa. Tapi still misty. Amik gambar and we walked up. Ada sign Bukit Bendera and histories board. From here, you can see almost half of Penang towards Butterworth. But tak clear sangat la sebab hazy tadi.
Naik atas lagi, ada snake show. Nak amik gambar, dia tak kasi, cepat-cepat sorokkan snake tu dalam container. Haha! Ada la orang jual-jual tepi jalan, ada kedai makan, and banyak souvenirs. Ada buggy yang bawak orang naik ke atas, tapi tak naik. Kitorang walked up je naik tangga, atas tu ada temple and masjid.
Lepas amik gambar dengan seketul meriam bersama spider and spider web (zzzzz…) kitorang turun balik. Sami comel sangat masa naik turun tangga ni! Macam orang besar la konon, tapi kaki kecik! Haha!
Masa nak turun ke bawah, kitorang tanya buggy tu brapa. RM30 boleh round satu bukit. Hehe…takpe la, mekasih. We walked down and,
“Mak aih ramainyerrrr!”
Orang queue nak turun tu ramai gile! Dah la tempat tu sempit. Sami dah nak tido masa ni. After we went into the transit compound, Skin dapat seat. Kitorang berdiri. Tetiba Skin panggil and cakap, gambar pondan kat blakang office kitorang masuk paper! Hahaha! Dalam Kosmo!
Masa budak-budak muda ni bangun konon nak naik tram, cepat-cepat kitorang duduk. Padahal tertipu, tram tu tak gerak lagi pun dari tadi. Haha! Dapat seatttt! Dah agak tengahari, baru dapat naik tram. Macam tadi, dalam 30 minit gak la nak sampai bawah. This time, dapat amik banyak gambar skit sebab pemandangan dah clear.
Lepas amik keta, kitorang decided nak makan nasik kandaq Line Clear! Popular katanya tempat tu! Cari jalan masuk town. Dengan tak tau langsung tempat tu kat mana, susah gak la nak cari. Call Elly, Elly cakap dekat Chowrasta. 2 blocks before, ada parking lot belah kanan, Line Clear tu belah kiri. Lorong kecik, kedai dia saje, and tak bleh masuk pun lorong tu.
Pusing Chowrasta ada la dekat 2-3 kali, at last, jumpa! Rupanya betul-betul lepas simpang tiga! Park keta, masuk kedai. Kedai ni macam gerai je. Lauknyer ya Allahhhhhhhhh kuningggg je sume! Kari merata-rata! So, prepare for the ongkosnyer la yeh!
I took squid egg, fish egg, vege, kuah banjir = RM9.40
Hubby took chicken, vege, kuah banjir = RM4.60
Tengok Skin and Hasrul amik benda yang sama, harga tetap camtu! Wahhhh! Bagus sungguh ISO nyer. Hehe! Tapi korang, sumpah sedappppppp! Hubby cakap diorang letak kas-kas, a.k.a poppy seed (katanya) sebab tu rasa cam high je makan…hahahaha! Cepat kenyang dan cepat lapar!
Lepas makan, kitorang check in hotel. Skin balik hotel dia. Tengok hotel, cantik. Tengok bilik, kecik…tak sepadan dengan harganya…sape la nak bilik mahal tapi kecik kan? Seb baik free! Dah la tu, takde poolllllll! Hampeh. Memang betul-betul corporate hotel la ni…pangkah…
Lepas buat apa yang patut di hotel, hehe, kitorang tido jap. Petang tu jumpa Skin balik kat Toy Museum. RM10 per entry. Benda ni dah lama tapi baru skarang rasa nak masuk. Masuk-masuk, waaaaaaaaaa banyak gile figurine! Siap live size patung lagi! Macam-macam ada. Even closer than what we had in Movieworld. Haha!
Unfortunately, every figurines ada cermin plastic. So ada yang calar-calar sebab budak-budak ketuk. Tapi I puas hati la sebab banyak gile figurines dalam tu. COME ONNNN, WORLD LARGEST TOY MUSEUM LAAAAA! Bangga la skittttt! (Puas hati dapat tengok Darth Vader, Yoda, Anarkin dekat-dekat!)
Dah senja, kitorang cari kedai makan. Nunnnnn sampai ke Padang Kota nun. Dah la la jam, lagi rasa jauh. Malam minggu la katakannnnnn. Siap ada pertunjukan api lagi kat tepi tu. Kitorang duduk je, “ulat order” tu datang tanya nak makan apa, minum apa. Haaaa, ulat bukan ulat tonto or ulat parking jeeeee. Haha! Rupanya “ulat order” tu dapat komisen tau! If kita order sendri kat kedai, murah skit. Cis! (Hubby la kata, tatau la diorang up brapa banyak). I order kerang bakar, laksa. Hubby tatau dia makan pe. Hasrul and Skin order pasembor kot.
Lepas makan, kitorang ke Batu Feringghi balik. Nak ke night market, cari dvd/cd (macam biasaaaa!). Ramai orang! Kitorang park kat The Ship. Jalan jauh gak (sampai Sami tido and hubby I sesat). Skin balik dulu, kitorang sambung lagi. Hubby dapat beli cd lagu je, I macam biasa, fridge magnet je la. Baju sume tak menarik sangat.
On the way balik, lalu Gurney Drive. Tengok orang lepak tepi pantai. Bestnyerrrr. Balik hotel, lalu area orang Penang clubbing. Meriah la jugak! Ada “ayam” katanyaaaa! Haha! Baik tido…

P/S : Gambar nanti...banyak sangat!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bashing Pondan Sudah Ubah Penampilan!

Korang nak tau tak? Right after I posted an entry bout that bashing pondan area Chulan St, Sabtu aritu keluar paper Kosmo! Hahaha! Tak sangka sungguh! Patu polis dah tangkap dia, masuk HKL pusat mental, tapi dah kuar! Yesterday’s Kosmo keluar lagi cite pasal dia, but this time dah ubah penampilan! Polis masih cuba nak tangkap dia balik....tapi, tah le...

(Boobs still ada kan?!)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blackout Timeout!

Puncak Jalil was partially blackout last Tuesday...

I didn't know that Hubby captured this moment...

which I found it very sweet...

Notice anything?

It was Kiki, sat on tv, mesmerized on the candle light...

Recognized By IBM? Shweeettttt!

Just finished our team meeting and out of the blue, Kak Jun (Project Manager) dropped by and make an annoucement...

"I was invited to join this meeting to give credit this one person who gave HER full effort to...blablabla...Lotus Migration Project...blablabla...she did a very good job when liaising with users, top management, and vendor...blablabla..."

(...HER? I am the only SHE in my team (out of 8 peps! She must have mentioned bout me!)

"...blablabla...and as always, IBM appreciate any efficient employees by giving credits, but anyhowwwww, due to current economy...blablabla..."

(...mesti tak dapat duit ni!)

"As a token, I hand in now a small gift to her...MARINA."

(clap clap clap...Kak Jun hugged me, I hugged her (in front of all the guys including my boss)..almost, ALMOST nak nangis...tapi tahan...)

And so I accepted the gift...make a quick thank you speech to all of my team, boss and the most special person, Kak Junaidah, as the greatest PM that IBM ever had...she's been guiding, leading, and helping me on this Lotus Notes Migration Project (3000++ users with 4 active servers and 3 decommission servers). Also, we had gone through thick and thin sampai I stress tak pregnant pun dia hilite kat my boss! Haha! What a superb lady. She's been working with IBM for 30years! And yet, she's enjoying it more and more...gile terer...selamba je hidup dia, pegi merata dunia, keje susah, tapi happy...her secret? Always think positive and always enjoy her job, whatever it is...whatever it takes...

Sigh...can I do that? Can I?

Anyway, here are the

Nice packaging kan? Siap card and bear "You Are Special". Awwww...

This is the laptop bag that I once had, tapi hubby I dapat lagi...zzz...boleh la...orang kasi, amik je!

Cuma yang ni I suka sangat, IBM Women Thumbdrive and IBM Manicure Traveling Set! Menarik! Nak-nak tengah kekurangan thumbdrive ni (walaupun 512MB jerrr).

P/S: Before economy had a downturn, excellent IBMers will get BRAVO Cert and RM1000++...sakit hati tak skarang? SAKIT HATI TAK KAWAN-KAWANNNNNNNN?

Bashing Pondan Seksi @ Jln Raja Chulan


Bapuk ni sangat popular kat area Jln Raja Chulan (exactly where my office at). Dengar cite, dia tido merata, kencing merata, korek tong sampah sesuka hati…paling teruk, dia suka pukul/tumbuk orang esp pompuan. Boleh?

Yang hebatnya…ada breast! Besar lak tu! Muka tak macam M’sian…tah, Indo ke Myanmar ke, Thai ke (maybe hitam sebab tak terurus)…tatau…Ada cerita pasal dia, tapi I dah lupa...But I think, before this dia waras kot, kalo tak, takkan la orang gile buat boobs job kan? I pun tak mampu! Haha! Tapi...gila-gila dia pun nasib baik dia pandai pakai baju and seluar...kalo tak, seksi u!!!

Dah ramai yang buat report kat police…tapi police busy…busy nak tangkap blogger yang hardcore berpolitik! Haha! Keeee...police tak nak sebab tak leh suruh londeh sluar? Kuang, kuang, kuang...

P/S: Hebat pondan ni sampai dapat satu entry dalam blog i :D

Monday, April 13, 2009

Gold Coast : Day 5 - Preach The Beach!

We wake up early this morning since we have to send 4 of our trip bugs to the airport. They wrongly bought return flight tickets which was too early (6am if I’m not mistaken)…hahaha! We drove them to Coolangatta Airport and off they go (Na, Cawan, Meor and Mona). Bye-bye!

Only hubby, Zam and I left. We went back to the car rental and swapped it with another car, Hyundai Excel, 2-doors kind of type. Enough for 3 of us. Right after a small fight with the rental owner who mistakenly swiped our car for car bond, we got the wanted car. And our mission that day was to complete whatever left in yesterday's trip. We planned to stop at ALL beaches along GC! Hahaha! What a big dream huh? Na's idea!

We started our beach hopping at Coolangatta. First pit stop, North Kirra Beach. There was one new and huge shopping complex that sell lots of surfing attire. I wasn't sure with the price but I guessed it was way more cheaper if you shop at Surfer’s Paradise. Beach here was larger and emptier. Nothing to view except for the beach partrol. So, we've conquered one beach!

To ensure that we were not going to miss any single beach in Gold Coast, we followed the beach road. Luckily, along the road, there is always road that connects every beaches. After Nort Kirra Beach, we saw Bilinga Beach. This beach was quite smaller, coz right next to it was Tugun Beach. So basically, these beaches are side by side, next to each other. And again, every beaches got its own beach patrol. We saw surf clubs too. Got many of them. There were big rocks around this area and the waves were so strong and beautiful. Seagulls were also there, enjoying the fish flying.

After snapping picture here and there, we reached at Currumbin Beach. From this beach, you can actually go to Currumbin Wild Life but we hold this plan for tomorrow. There was small and beautiful cape at this beach and all of them were rocks.

Since this beach was the end of all beaches due to the cape that blocked our road journey, we headed to the highway. But not too worry, it wasn't far from the federal road. We then went back to the track and saw Palm Beach. At this area, there were many major activities like surfing, shopping, sun tanning, and etc. Then, from this beach, we went to Burleigh Beach.
Burleigh Beach was really awesome. We went up on a hill and parked our car. From there, we saw many visitors picnic on the grass with bikinis on top! WOW! Hehehe! We even got few pictures of topless girls! At this point, I had a big fight with hubby where Zam unconsciously told me that they've been to Sabah before! (We planned for Sabah trip after GC since hubby told me that he never been there!) OMG! I cried but I had it covered. I walked faster and left hubby at the back. Zam was stunned and can't do anything. And I scratched my thigh!!!

Since I didn't want to kill the GC excitement, I hold it first. Hubby knew that he will get scolded back in M'sia. I can see on his face! We then took pictures on the rocks and continued to drive to Miami Beach.
It was like the same scene like Florida. Hehehe! The palm trees, the bikini ladies, not much different than Burleigh Beach. It was also one of the biggest beach in GC where major activities being held. Then we moved on to Nobby's Beach and Mermaid Beach. I seriously don't know how they separated these beaches! Hahaha! They all looked the same! Then we saw Kurrawa Beach right next to it and they got bigger surf club!

Then we move on to Broad Beach. This beach was super huge like its name. Hehe! Coz this beach started from Mermaid Beach towards the Surfer’s Paradise! Haaaaa! Again, the activities were the same, surfing, surfing, surfing. From this beach, the scene looked familiar coz we had used the same road almost everyday. Surfer's Paradise. Hehe! We continued to Main Beach and saw few locals doing BBQ here and there. Anyhow, the park area was clean! Good mentality and soooo civilized!

Then from Main Beach, we reached the end, Southport Beach. The most beach called The Spit! Before we reached here, we passed by shrimps factory, fresh from the sea! Hmmmmm! Niceeeeeeee!

Before we went to The Spit, we had lunch first. This time we looked for rice, Maharani M'sian Resto. We parked at the side of the road and saw stools still on top of tables. When we reached the door,

“Ha come in, come in…” one uncle spoke Bahasa with us. 

“How did he know we are M'sian?” I whispered to hubby. Hubby told me look at our face lahhhh! Hahaha! Eh, who knows, sometime people thought we are Philippine or Mauritius ok! Hahaha!

So guess what we had for lunch…nasik beriyani! OK! Make it 3! And it wasn't as great as what we have in M'sia! Not delicious and expensive! AUD12! I think that uncle never been back to M'sia for years...hahaha! We have new dishes la uncleeee!

On the wall, we saw many M'sian artists like Anuar Zain, Dato' Siti, Linda Onn, those who always come to GC la. Then there was one auntie who I think, must be the owner. We also saw Muslim Paper that quoted Nandos as "halal" resto. Good! So, no more doubt! Then the uncle told us there aren't many Muslim here, Brisbane have more than GC. Muslim there are more active.

After lunch, we continued our mission to find the "meter maid". Who are they? Girls in two piece gold bikini, with cowboy hat, selling things and help you to pay for your parking! I actually didn't noticed but then Zam saw them, followed by hubby. So we snapped few pictures of them! Hahaha!

Then we took pictures of HRC and saw Duck Tours on the road. We passed the ride and shopped till we dropped! We decided to swim again at the beach for the last time, since Zam never tried Surfer's water. Since I wanted to try to surf, we went into one hypermarket and bought one bodyboard in pink color! Yeaaaahhhaaaaa!

I quickly tried the board and hell no, it wasn't easy ok!!! But slowly I managed to surf on it. Hehehe! Hubby took my pictures and laughed out loud when he saw me up side down with the board! Hahaha! Without doubt, the wave here ARE the best! It pushed you straight up to the beach!

It was getting late, so we went back and took bath, got ready to go out again. Where? Anywhere! Hehehe! We decided to visit The Spit again and stopped by The Seaworld. Too bad, it was about to close. So we just snapped few pictures in front of the entrance. When we reached The Spit, it was too dark to take photo. We've tried by any means, still unable to get a perfect shot. So we skipped.

We went back to Surfer's Paradise Boulevard and walked around the area. It was lively and happening! Clubbing here and there, nice cars were all over the places, moving round and round showing off to us. Dang! Hahaha! There was one limo with I can't recall how many doors it have! Fuiyoooo! Best! Then there were showgirls at every sidewalk of the shops, and again, we really wanted to get in, but afraid to costly. So we just take pictures...

We took away "kebab" and ate at apartment. Tired!

The day after, we went to Sea World and Wet World for a quick visit. We then, again, went to Surfer's Paradise to have a final sightseeing before we went to the airport. It was sad, soooooooo leave this place. Sigh...when will be my next round, I can't answer that...coz I normally don't repeat the same place, twice...

So long Gold Coast...muah!