
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Test Signature

Best gile! Ada rupanya feature nak buat livesignature nih!

Don't Do Spa Perm @ Niko Salon!!!





This style has ruined/damaged my hair! And now I have to spend another RMXXX to treat back the damaged hair! Arghhhh!

Thanks to Deb, sebab teman I pegi complaint and marah stylist tu. What a good combo we had! Tak dapat refund, dapat wash/treatment/cut for free! And thanks for suggesting me the LAKME & FUDGE hair care products) my life becomes more complicated la kan...

Dah tak terkata...dah rosak baru nak bagitau...and put the blame on my dry hair???!!! Celaka! Either the stylist doesn't know how to, or the product is a trash! Sebab kawan I and the girl from Shins Hair Care Boutique pun cakap diorang buat Spa Perm, rambut diorang rosak!






They have 3 branches, Giant Kinrara, Ampang WaterFront, Taman Melawati!
(They have websites but not found!)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Apocalypse : The Second World War

I have never EVER seen a series of war documentary like this. A six-part series of World War II that reveals the very first hand info, live from the war floor. Say no more, if you have watched it, i bet you have dropped your jaw to the max! Am I right? (I'm still wondering how those reporters from each side tak mati terkena bom ke peluru sesat ke apa ke...kan?)

Well Done NGC!

6 down, no more to go...hmmm...

Butttttt...there is one coming episode, particularly show a footage shot by Eva Braun (his half) that reveals Fuhrer's planning to conquer Europe on 9th November at 7PM (UK time). Yes!!! Yesssss!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's My Business III

IBM nak buang IBM hantar semua orang (batch by batch) ke Pullman Putrajaya. Aktiviti cam haram, dah macam amazing race (kena makan asam jawa sekampit, wasabi segenggam, peria pahit 3 tongkol, KOBIS SEPARUH sebesar kepala hotak). Memang kena kutuk kaw-kaw sebab salah dua challenge kena solvekan rubic cube and sudoku. Bodo! Itu permainan orang genius je la mangkuk!

Pullman Putrajaya

The TOP Teambuilding
The pool
The room - Jasmine

The activity

The wrap up

The after program

Little Red Riding Hood

Eiiiiii tah mana dia dapat! Mesti masa hubby dok bawak dia kuar makan rumput ni! Ha amik! Dah kena pakai ubat!

Racun serangga. Tak boleh dijilat. Kena kasih basah habis bulu-bulu dia. Jalan penyelesaian? Guna corong!

So sepanjang hari, dia tak reti nak berjalan. Dia akan mengundur. Sume benda dia langgar. Lama-lama baru dia tau camne nak jalan kedepan balik.

Mengenang nasib. Tak bleh buat apa-apa.

Sudahnye, dia tidooooooo je diam-diam. Hmmm...bagus gak...len kali Kiki jahat, kita penalize dia guna corong ni! Haha!

Macam little red riding hood kan? KAHKAHKAH! Banyak gile gambar dia muka bosan macam "tak guna nyer tuan...aku jantan la..."

Momo ke Mimi ke Meme???


"Tah...I bukak pagar, dia datang siap nyendeng-nyendeng manja..."

Alalalala...tomey nyer kaler tah apa-apa! Mulut bising, suara kuat! Tapi playful and sangat manja. Kaki depan and belakang belah kiri je pakai stokin. Patu mulut sebelah je kaler putih. Unik gak la. Kitorang kasi makan and minum, siapkan kotak. If dia tetap kat situ 2-3 hari, memang rezeki dia la kitorang bela. Tapiiiiii...kat luar je la ye...sebab mau kena buli ngan Kiki ni if duk dalam...but she such a survivor la sebab sekecik tu bleh jalan merata kat PUJ 4 tu sampai ari ni.

Lari sana, lari sini...sihat la tu sebab suka je...
Suka ikut and gesel kat kaki hubby...
Saiz dia sama macam bila I jumpa Kiki dulu...
"Nak kasi nama apa ayang? Dia betina ni...Momo?"

"Macam Mojo plak...Mimi...?"

"Ha, suara kecik kuat macam Mariah Carey, bleh gak...tapi budak opis I nama Mimi, tak best..."

"Meme...macam Memey tu..."

"HUH???!!! NAPE NAK MEMEY???" nada tak suka benci meluat marah.

Gelak gegila...
"...nape...u ada problem ke ngan Memey tu..." gelak lagi...

Diam and terus tengok tv...hmph!

Spa Perm To Dreadlock?

Yup...buang duit lagi...bosan dengan rambut straight, I sengaja nak perm kan rambut. Ingatkan nak buat biasa-biasa je...stylist tu suggest buat spa perm. Sebab spa perm ni guna air instead of letrik (digital perm guna letrik). Tah la, sukati ko la. Apa I tau, nak "curl" je. Stylist tu siap tanya penah tak pegi Thomas&Guys sebab muka I familiar. Penah la pegi sekali potong fringe, tapi dah lama. Takkan la ingat lagi...

Masa buat spa perm ni, budak-budak kecik yang masuk gunting rambut sume gelak-gelak siap cakap "chi sin" kat abang dia. INGAT AKU TAK PAHAM DIA CAKAP AKU CAM ORANG GILE! Hahaha! Memang pun, cam alien dah...I sendri pun gelak.

Skali hamik ko!!!
Dreadlock dia kasi aku!!!

Bukan spa perm dah ni, SPA SPERM tau!!! Rosak rambut aku...dah macam ammah letak taik lembu kat rambut yang biar sampai keras tu...owh am I going to live with it...

Monday, October 19, 2009

This Is It Lyrics

This is it, here I stand
I’m the light of the world, I feel grand
Got this love I can feel
And I know yes for sure it is real

And it feels as though I’ve seen your face a thousand times
And you said you really know me too yourself
And I know that you have got addicted with your eyes
But you say you gonna live it for yourself

Ohh...I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand

This is it, I can say
I’m the light of the world, run away
We can feel, this is real
Every time I’m in love that I feel

And I feel as though I’ve known you since 1,000 years
And you tell me that you’ve seen my face before
And you said to me you don’t want me hanging round
Many times, wanna do it here before

Ohh yeahhh...I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C’mon baby, just understand

This is it, I can feel
I’m the light of the world, this is real
Feel my song, we can say
And I tell you I feel that way sebelum tengok movie tu ye!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

GIMP Taught Me How To Cheat!

Disgusted (pergh ayat) with people who has DSLR that can EASILY make a blurry background image instead of using macro, and disgusted (pergh lagi) with people who KNOW how to play around with Photoshop doing that blurry background image, I am called to learn the only freeware image editing application that I have in my lappy, which is GIMP.

After doing some googling and youtubing, I finally found (selama ni malas je sebenarnya) the way to blur the selective image (dunno why, but I am a super freaking fanatic of selective blur image! I even thought of paying whoever knows how to, even worst, buying a new camera when Ricoh R8 failed to do so! Padahal tak reti buat je!)

I took one simple image and started to use "paths tool" a.k.a the magic scissors. See below image.

Original pic

See the below background now is blurred! Voila!
The famous "gaussian blur" rules!
(Habis la semua gambar I pas ni, blur blakang! Haha!)
Then I started to play around with another type of blur.

Original pic
See the motion down here? Done by "motion blur" tool.
(Sesuai untuk memberikan impact kelajuan pada gambar.)

Happy with the blur filter, my itchy hands started to dig deeper. Let's erase unwanted image!

Original Pic

Now you see the Kota Lukut is missing! Cleaned by "clone" tool.
(Boleh erase orang yang tak berkenaan jugak!) that all that you can do Biqque? HUH??? Bring it onnnnnn!

2 separate original pics

Andddddd I have pasted it over the other and erased it by "erase" tool!
(Confirm boleh buat superimpose pasniiiiiiii! about, enlarge my boobs and flatten my tummy?)

I WANT PS3/PS2/Samsung Netbook!

Boys Toys R My Toys!

m(_ _)m
My wishlist! (_ _")

Complete with Guitarhero accessories! Wireless guitar, wireless drum set (must have! Getting addicted with it dy! Unleash talent. Perghhhh! Dream baby, dream...) and one usb mic. Andddddddddddd I have to spend like RM2000 for all these! (A slimmer one? You do the math.)

Ok la...never dream too much. If PS3 is too fancy to have (namind, I can just do the running man passing few houses away and enjoy it at Deb's house), I'll go for PS2. Getting cheaper nowadays as Sony no longer selling them...RM380-RM400 with non-original controller. Black is too common (...but exclusive huh...?)
Maybeeeeeeeeeeeeee...a PINK console, controllers, dance mat, and GT racing steering to add the adrenaline???!!! (My long lost talent nih!!!) RM1000++ jugak nih!

Samsung Netbook N310
Oh man...husbands are giving lappy to wives nowadays! So techie! (Gudbye roses and chocolates...) Last month, after we both got watches for our birthday, we thought of having netbook for next year. And getting one for me is like getting one for him (fair n square katanya...a hah! Smart ass!)
If and only if I were to get one, turquoise is soooooooooooooo mine! This netbook has a peeble-style keyboard and it is scratch resistant (coz the cover is rubberized!) Don't ask me why, but it has anti-germs as well! H1N1 prevention kot! Haha! But, Intel Atom la pulak...need to do some research...hmmm...RM1700. How leh?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

BiqClozet - Cheap Wall Sticker! Come And Get It!

Everyone knows that Ikea wall sticker cost you RM69.00 for a set...and guess how much I bought 3 sets of wall stickers? F**king cheap!!!

Size for each set is approx. 2 and 1/2 feet.
(Ikea's is bigger...but this is cheaper.)

Here, I used 2 sets of wall stickers.
(Match with red+black bedsheet!)

Here, I used 1 set of wall sticker.
(Match with white+pink bedsheet!)

There are many shapes and colors, and each set has different amount of pieces. Garden flowers like sunflowers/tulips/roses/bamboos, birds, butterflies and cats, indoor plants with vases, lamp posts with buildings, cartoons like snow whites/disneys/lilo/spongebob, abstracts with lines and dots, black and only black patterns, and many more.

How to? Easy!
1) Wipe the wall from dust with a dry small towel or handkerchief.
2) Stick one piece at at time (do not stick the whole thing first).
3) Give a minor tap on each piece (down, middle, top) for you to have a pre-view on what you are going to do.
4) Once all pieces are well positioned, then use that dry small towel or handkerchief to give the major press on each piece.
Remember : Do not wipe the sticker (coz you might tear it!). Just tap, tap, and tap. Ok?

Wanna try? I'm thinking of being a dealer. I'll be selling 1 set for RM10.00 and 3 sets for RM25.00. Same or different patterns (mix and match), its your call. Be creative and give it a try! Buzz/email me at to make your order.